Here are the steps to import contacts from a .csv or Excel (.xls or .xlsx) file
- From your prayer team page, click on Manage Partners.
- Click on the Import from CSV/Excel button. This opens a window that walks you through importing your contacts from a file.
- Drag-and-drop or click to select your CSV or Excel file.
- Next, you will see the data in your file. Select the header row. This is the row that contains the names of the data in each column in your file. It is usually the first row in the file. Click Next.
- Choose which columns in your file correspond with your contacts' email address, first name, last name and full name. Only email address is required. Click Next.
- Next, fix any errors (e.g. invalid email addresses) and make any changes as needed. Click Submit to import your data.
- Congratulations! Your prayer partners have been added to your prayer team.